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hobbynaturaornitologia en sale-and-availability-of-birds-in-our-aviary-in-riccione-(rn) 003
Sale and availability of birds in our Aviary in Riccione (RN)

Sale and availability of birds in our Aviary in Riccione (RN)

Every day and Sunday 9-12: 30

Unfortunately, the current emergency situation linked to the Coronavirus has canceled the scheduled fairs, we invite you to contact us for the availability of the birds and visit us in the aviary in Riccione also on Sunday morning (9-12: 30). You will find specimens from our breeding and the best aviaries in Europe, you will not regret it! ;-) Info: +393355873373 (Alex)

In mid-December, possibility of deliveries in Southern Italy  "🇮🇹 " and in Greece  "🇬🇷 "

(updated 27/11/2020)

  • Major cardellini over 160 TOP Rimaux - Vetere - Sisdom - Valentini (various mutations)
  • Cardellini Tuschii (Agata - Isabella - Ancestral)
  • Siskin (Pastel, Pastel Brown, Brown, Ino Topaz, Phaeo Bruno, Phaeo Bearers)
  • Black Head Siskin (Topaz, Topaz Bearers, Albino Bearers)
  • Red Cardinal (pair)
  • Negriti of Bolivia
  • Venturoni (males)
  • Cardinalins of Venezuela
  • Pastel Brown Bullfinches (pairs)
  • Bullfinches of the Pinewoods (pair)
  • Scottish Agate Greenfinches
  • Vietnam greenfinches (pairs)
  • Organetti Cabaret (Bruno, Pastello Bruno, Bruno Portatore Phaeo, Phaeo)
  • Verzellini Red Front
  • Himalya Cruises (pair) SOLD
  • Bristol Canary (pair)
  • Gloster
  • Gibber Italicus
  • Gibbous
  • Portuguese Harlequins
  • Etc.

Watch some videos of the birds on our youtube channel


Contact us for information and pre-purchase of birds: +393355873373 (Alex)




Furthermore, with the opportunity you can buy the best products for your breeding: Easyyem, Blattner, Nekton, Dr. Couttel, Germix, Chemi-Vit, Unica, Sisal, 2GR, STA, Domuns Molinari and much more on our website.



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hobbynaturaornitologia en sale-and-availability-of-birds-in-our-aviary-in-riccione-(rn) 018
SHOPVia Losanna, 40 Miramare
Tel. +39 0541 648753
WhatsApp +39 351 5363457
AVIARYStreet Cagnina, 1 Riccione (RN)
Tel. +39 335/5873373
Credits TITANKA! Spa