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Neo Foractil spray against mites, fleas and lice for birds

Neo Foractil spray against mites, fleas and lice for birds

Spray solution for external use based on Piperonyl Butoxide 10 mg / g, Permethrin (cis / trans ratio 25/75) 3 mg / g, Tetramethrin 2 mg / g. For cage and aviary birds.

The sale is not reserved exclusively for pharmacies and is not subjected to a medical-veterinary recipe.

Indications: Ectoparasiticide for exclusive external use on animals, against mites, fleas and lice.

Posology, route and method of administration: 1 to 2 ml of solution administered by spray for a bird of 15-20 g depending on the severity of the mites and parasitic insects injuries, equal to 1-2 seconds of spray delivery. The interval between one treatment and the next should be 1-2 weeks.
1 ml of product, equal to 1 second of nozzle pressure.
Spray the product keeping the cylinder about 5-10 cm from the area to be treated. The special valve allows to dose the jet without dispersion, vaporize according to the animals, avoiding the eyes and the mouth, on feathers, coat, ears and legs. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Packaging : 300 ml bottle
€ 8,50
Availability: 150

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  • 300 ml
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p766052-neo-foractil-spray-against-mites-fleas-and-lice-for-birds 014
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Tel. +39 335/5873373
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