hobbynaturaornitologia en p1102068-neo-fortecid-liquid-romal-65-concentrated-insecticide 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1102068-neo-fortecid-liquid-romal-65-concentrated-insecticide 003

Neo Fortecid Liquid (Romal/65) concentrated insecticide

Neo Fortecid Liquid (Romal/65) concentrated insecticide

Neo Fortecid Liquid (Romal / 65) concentrated insecticide with killing and residual action against flies, mosquitoes and crawling. Synthetic pyrethroid-based insecticide, obtained with a mixture of three active ingredients with synergistic action that gives the product both a killing and residual effect. These properties give it a broad spectrum of action and allow it to be used to fight a wide range of insects. For these characteristics it can be used in disinfestation of urban areas, canteens of hospitals, hotels, food industries, etc.

Use: in the fight against flies and mosquitoes use 1-2 liters of ROMAL / 65 in 98-99 liters of water. In the fight against crawling insects, use 2 to 3 liters of ROMAL / 65 in 97-98 liters of water. These doses can be increased or decreased according to whether an attack or maintenance treatment is carried out.

Packaging : 350 ml
€ 16,00
Availability: 2

Available formats

  • 250 ml
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1102068-neo-fortecid-liquid-romal-65-concentrated-insecticide 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1102068-neo-fortecid-liquid-romal-65-concentrated-insecticide 015
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1102068-neo-fortecid-liquid-romal-65-concentrated-insecticide 016
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