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Nekton S essential vitamins for birds

Nekton S essential vitamins for birds

Nekton-S contains all essential vitamins and is also enriched with amino acids, minerals and trace elements. A vitamin deficiency is not easy to diagnose in birds and can cause significant damage to health for a long time before leading to premature death. About 90% of all diseases in birds are caused by improper nutrition.

Nekton-S promotes metabolic processes in birds and significantly increases the usability of all ingested nutrients. Ideal combined with NEKTON-MSA (mineral complex) and with NEKTON-E (for breeding).

Composition: Dextrose, calcium carbonate, silicic acid.

How to use: Nekton-S is given daily in drinking water, very popular with birds. 1 g (level measure) of Nekton-S in 250 ml of water or in 100 g of food.

Packaging of 75 gr, 150 gr and 330 gr
€ 12,00
Availability: 10

Available formats

  • 150 gr
  • 330 gr
  • 75 gr
Insert quantity
available birds
hobbynaturaornitologia en p764427-nekton-s-essential-vitamins-for-birds 014
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