Nekton Breed-Star to promote bird reproduction.
NEKTON Breed-Star is a supplement to promote bird reproduction. Contains all essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements. NEKTON Breed-Star supplements the lack of vitamin E in the feed and covers the animals' needs for this nutrient which is so important for the body.
Birds' amino acid needs increase during breeding. NEKTON Breed-Star contains 18 amino acids and a particularly high proportion of arginine, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan, which are of great importance for birds during breeding.
The vitamin content of NEKTON Breed-Star is adapted to the specific needs of birds during breeding. NEKTON Breed-Star can prevent damage to animal health that can be caused by a lack of these vital substances. They promote metabolic processes in the bird's body and increase the use of all the nutrients ingested with the feed. This strengthens the bird's defenses and improves performance.
1 g (= 1 level scoop) of NEKTON Breed-Star in 250 ml of water or 100 g of soft food.
- Dissolve in water (or)
- sprinkle on food
Administration of NEKTON Breed-Star must be started at least three weeks after breeding.
As soon as the first egg is laid and the female hatches the eggs, NEKTON Breed-Star should no longer be administered. Otherwise the breeding process may be interrupted if the male's push is too strong.
Afterwards, it is necessary to resume the daily vitamin intake with NEKTON-S and NEKTON-MSA.
This supplementary feed can only be fed to birds up to 2% of the daily ration, due to the higher content of vitamin D and trace elements compared to complete feeds.