lang: en hobbynaturaornitologia en p894739-bruni-oxidate-pineta-coloring-for-melanic-canaries 001
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Pineta zootecnici

Bruni Oxidate Pineta coloring for melanic canaries

Bruni Oxidate Pineta coloring for melanic canaries

Bruni Oxidato Pineta is an excellent product that optimizes brown colors favoring the maximum development of pheomelanin and eumelanin. It is the essential nutritional supplement for those who want to obtain the maximum expression of the melanin colors of their samples. It naturally stimulates the body in the production of brown and black pigments in genetically predisposed individuals. It is recommended for both oxidized and diluted products as it does not alter the structural characteristics of the plumage but improves its expression. It is indicated in the moulting period for a silky and velvety plumage. BRUNI, associated with VELL BRILL, satisfies completely and appropriately all the nutritional needs of birds during the moulting period.

Ingredients: Products of cereal grains, products of other vegetables, products of tubers and roots, products of other seeds and fruits, minerals.

Instructions for use: mix thoroughly with feed. Doses: 10-15 g per kg of feed. Duration of treatment: daily, throughout the moulting period. Maintenance: 2 days a week.

Packaging: 250 gr jar
€ 22,00
Availability: 3

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  • 250 gr
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p894739-bruni-oxidate-pineta-coloring-for-melanic-canaries 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p894739-bruni-oxidate-pineta-coloring-for-melanic-canaries 015
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