hobbynaturaornitologia en p1077133-unifeed-esotics-molting-ornithological-reggiano-laboratory 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1077133-unifeed-esotics-molting-ornithological-reggiano-laboratory 003
Special Food

Unifeed Esotics Molting - Ornithological Reggiano Laboratory

Unifeed Esotics Molting - Ornithological Reggiano Laboratory

Unifeed Esoticin Muta, by LOR Unibird Line, is a complete food for exotic granivorous birds such as Estrildidae and Ploceidae (diamonds, African / Asian exotic, weavers, padda, etc.)

Unifeed Exotics Moult: with a higher content of sulfur amino acids and zinc to support the metabolism in a delicate period such as that of the moult.

Composition: cereals, vegetable proteins, oils and fats, sugars, minerals, probiotics, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, flavors.

How to use : administer the product as it is or with the addition of water until a mixture of the consistency of an artisanal ice cream is obtained. In the latter case, the palatability of the unifeed usually increases but it is necessary to replace the uneaten product at least once a day (especially in the summer);

Method for the conversion to unifeed : most of the animals immediately appreciate the product even dry; while for subjects who are reluctant to eat an unknown food or for particularly neophobic species it is useful to add water until the consistency of an artisanal ice cream is reached within which a small amount of seeds (10-15%) will be mixed in order to force the animal to savor it while searching for seeds (all clearly after removing the mixture of seeds or anything else from the aviary). Once we are sure that the unifeed has been taken, we will proceed with the exclusive administration of the dry or wet product.

Packaging: 2kg and 5kg
€ 12,80
Availability: 3

Available formats

  • 2 kg
  • 5 kg
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1077133-unifeed-esotics-molting-ornithological-reggiano-laboratory 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1077133-unifeed-esotics-molting-ornithological-reggiano-laboratory 015
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1077133-unifeed-esotics-molting-ornithological-reggiano-laboratory 016
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Tel. +39 0541 648753
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Tel. +39 335/5873373
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