lang: en hobbynaturaornitologia en p776945-indigena-new-for-bullfinch 001
hobbynaturaornitologia en p776945-indigena-new-for-bullfinch 0020
hobbynaturaornitologia en p776945-indigena-new-for-bullfinch 003



Complete food for "indigenous" species of Manitoba belonging to the order of passerines and mainly to the family of finches, widespread between continental Europe and the various shores of the Mediterranean. Generally, medium-sized species are considered indigenous to distinguish them from the small-sized ones commonly defined as Carduelidae, segmentation linked to the size of the seeds sought in nature.

Among the most common species the finches are included: the European Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula, lives mainly in parks and gardens, as well as in forests and cultivated land, feeds mainly on seeds and buds), the Common Greenfinch or Verdello (Carduelis Chloris, widespread in Europe and North Africa, it adapts to any habitat even if it prefers areas over a thousand meters), the Fanello (Carduelis Cannabina with its 7 subspecies), the Cruiser (Loxia curvirostra, lives mainly in the conifer woods whose seeds feeds), the Zigoli (various species of the Emeriza family.

Composition: Hemp, Milk Thistle, Black Sunflower, Buckwheat, Safflower, Hulled Sunflower, Oats, Canary seed, Pine, Niger seeds, Rowan, Rosehip.

Instructions for a correct use: the great variety of seeds and the peculiar organoleptic characteristics of this mixture allow each species bred in captivity to reproduce the diet most akin to their natural needs. The daily administration of the food must correspond to the average quantity consumed in the 24 hours.

Note of color: The Milk Thistle (Sylybum Marianum) and the Wild Thistle (Cynara Cardunculus), although they bear different scientific names, have been with the new APG classifications included in the same sub-tribe of the Carduinae. The seeds of these plants as well as being widespread in human medicinal medicine (the Marian among other things in the treatment of hepatitis, and the Wild to reduce the production of cholesterol) are a real delicacy for many species of passerines. The genus Carduelis takes its name from the great greed shown by these animals towards thistles.

15 kg pack .

€ 52,00
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p776945-indigena-new-for-bullfinch 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p776945-indigena-new-for-bullfinch 015
hobbynaturaornitologia en p776945-indigena-new-for-bullfinch 016
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