hobbynaturaornitologia en p1128151-bird-feeder-zeus-air-internal-manger-with-metal-hooks-and-anti-waste-grid 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1128151-bird-feeder-zeus-air-internal-manger-with-metal-hooks-and-anti-waste-grid 003
S.T.A. Soluzioni

BIRD FEEDER "ZEUS" Air Internal manger with metal hooks and anti-waste grid

BIRD FEEDER "ZEUS" Air Internal manger with metal hooks and anti-waste grid

Internal manger with metal hooks and anti-waste grid, mm 384x50xh65. The ZEUS manger is suitable for various types of cages, it must be inserted on the side of the cage. The accessory is made of transparent plastic and completed by an anti-waste grid, the grid does not favor the exit of the seeds at meal time. The "Zeus" manger is easy to clean as the corners are rounded inside.

STA has created in Prima Mondiale, the new generation of POP AIR feeders which, thanks to the arrangement of holes on the bottom, allows perfect ventilation of the food and seeds, extending their life by 30%, avoiding the formation of mold and proliferation. bacterial, thus safeguarding the health of your animals.

This innovation meets the diffusion of new and sophisticated feeding techniques, such as the Germix or the innumerable single meals, the pearls, the traditional dry mash and the mixtures of seeds, which placed in the traditional mangers, often undergo a rapid deterioration due to the lack of ventilation. The POP AIR feeders are also very useful for the administration of grains with a high content of dust, as the holes facilitate their dispersal.

This type of container is suitable for various types of cages, it must be inserted on the side of the cage. The "Venere" manger is easy to clean as the corners are rounded inside.

Type: transparent

Pieces 1
€ 4,50
Availability: 61

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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1128151-bird-feeder-zeus-air-internal-manger-with-metal-hooks-and-anti-waste-grid 014
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